Lip Tattoo

Cosmetic Tattoo is a chance to correct lips that were given from birth and did not like. Why you shouldn’t be afraid of a permanent, what technique to agree on, how to prepare for the procedure

The central myth – and the fear of many – that a permanent remain for life is only half true. Yes, you will remember about going to the master. But the paint itself disappears from the lips within 3-5 years. Because this is the most mobile part of the face, the epidermis renewed quickly. Therefore, you should not be afraid of the “stigma for life” – it simply does not exist.

What is Lip Tattoo?

It is a lip tattoo Melbourne for brightness and volume. It sounds menacing, but it looks nice. And most importantly, it is painless – anesthesia performed before the procedure. Whether it will be a cream or an injection of lidocaine into the gums (as in a dentist’s office), the client herself decides.

What is the difference between Cosmetic lip blush tattoo and hyaluronic acid? Permanent pigments is lighter in sensation, although it does not perform useful functions (biopolymer at least moisturizes the skin). It is applied using a tattoo machine, not a syringe. In general, a permanent change lips visually, not from the inside. Although for the beauty and moisturizing of the lips, many girls successfully combine both procedures.

Pros of Lip Tattoo

  • psychologically easier than “hyaluronic” (no intervention using injections)
  • correction of imperfections (asymmetry, scars, etc.)
  • visual volume (if you choose 3D-technique, there are already five colours involved)
  • getting rid of complexes (not everyone likes lips from nature)
  • no need to spend money on lipstick
  • saving time in the morning (lips are always beautiful and well-groomed)

Cons of permanent lip makeup

  • heals like an actual tattoo: at least seven days, with crusting
  • pigment dries lips
  • it is easy to get a fever (the skin is damaged)
  • requires correction
  • trends change, but the permanent remains (in the 90s they drew a clear outline. Now the fashion for naturalness and watercolour technique. What will happen next is difficult to predict)
  • the same colour can get bored over time

Preparation for lip tattooing

You have decided on permanent lip makeup; how is the procedure going? It starts with home preparation.

  • Apply the balm more often – the real test lies ahead, the skin needs to moisturize.
  • Stock up on herpes ointment or take a course of tablets (Acyclovir). The cosmetologist Elena Timoshenko advises her clients to do this: it turns out that 90% of people are prone to herpes. Elena’s patients start taking pills 1-2 days before the permanent, continue for another five days after the procedure – and are satisfied with the result.
  • Reschedule all the parties for later: alcohol thins the blood, due to general edema, the lip contour can float.

How is the procedure for permanent lip makeup

  1. Discussion with the sketch master
  2. Drawing “future” lips with a pen / cosmetic pencil
  3. Conducting anesthesia
  4. Drawing the contour and further “work” with the lips

The most famous types of permanent lip makeup: only contour (was popular in the 90s), full paint over (“lipstick effect”, zero years), 3D volume and watercolour technique (in trend now). The advantage of the latter is that everything looks as natural as possible. You can put any lipstick on your lips, and it won’t look weird.

With the client’s consent, take a photo before and after permanent lip makeup in 1 day looks very bright, do not be alarmed. But after 7-9 days, the pigment fades slightly, and the skin acquires a pleasant-looking shade.

Service price

It starts from 500 AUD. Then it depends on the conditions (you will have to pay extra for the comfort in the clinic, in contrast to the tattoo parlour) and the master himself (cosmetologists “with the name” will cost more than beginners – that’s understandable).

Where are they

In cosmetic tattoo studio (direction Aesthetic cosmetology), beauty salons. True, it would help if you were more careful with the latter: “on the sly” the master can use ordinary paint for tattooing. It is harmful. A good pigment based on glycerin and water does not contain aluminium. If you decide on a tattoo studio, be interested in the origin of the jars, do not hesitate to ask for certificates of specialist education.

Can I do it at home

The permanent is applied using a tattoo machine. In theory, anyone can do this, BUT:

you will need additional materials (pigment, anesthetic cream, etc.);

good equipment costs more than 10 thousand rubles – a little expensive compared to a one-time procedure in the salon;

You must be ABLE to draw and work with a needle. Otherwise, the lips will look funny/sad.

Conclusion: it is better to spend time in comfort and guaranteed to get a good result than to risk your money, and most importantly, your appearance.


If you read the reviews of experts, permanent lip makeup heals in 10-14 days. It is what doctors say, but much depends on the individual reaction and compliance with the conditions. Need to:

  • put off the sauna and solarium for a month;
  • Use balm and D-panthenol. First every 2 hours (3 days), then reduce to 3 times a day. Cosmetologist Elena Timoshenko recommends combining acyclovir ointment with petroleum jelly. The first is clear, but the second moisturizes the skin.
  • Leave the crusts alone!

The crusts are the hardest: on the 5-6th day, the lips itch, scales fly. They contain pigment. Tearing off dried skin means leaving a light spot on the lips. Remember this so that you do not have to go for additional correction. Although sometimes, it is still needed: if the contour “floated” during the healing process, lip colour is not what we wanted, etc. Focus on feelings, and do not skimp on yourself.

Before and after photos

Reviews of experts on permanent lip makeup

Elena Timoshenko, cosmetologist, permanent makeup master:

I am very good at the permanent. Because with age, our lips lose their bright colour, if there were frequent herpes, the pigment falls out, the contour is indistinct. As for young girls, they have thin, light lips, which may not be pleasant. Why not make it a natural colour?

Olha Pokatilova, permanent makeup artist:

As a specialist and client, I have the same attitude to permanent makeup for any area because I sincerely believe that almost every girl needs it – to varying degrees and with different effects. Specifically, lip permanent solves many problems:

  • lack of brightness,
  • blue,
  • pale white lips,
  • uneven colour
  • Fordyce granules (less common).

Accordingly, these problems are solved either by lipstick or permanent. In my opinion, you cannot make a permanent of one thing, lips or eyebrows. If there are no bright lips by nature, then highlighting the eyebrows – we, even more, show that something is missing from below. The face becomes inharmonious. I am for an integrated approach. But everything should be wise.